Tender Lines Drawing in the exhibition
Sun, 18 Sep 2022 15:00-17:00
Tender Lines Drawing in the exhibition
with Sarah Loibl, Toni Mauersberg and Babette Semmer.
Starting from their own drawing practice, the three artists Babette Semmer, Sarah Loibl and Toni Mauersberg will show you new ways to draw in the exhibition spaces at @kommunalegalerieberlin
All people from 5–105 years are welcome, drawing skills are not necessary.
Free admission
Languages: German and English language
Please register until September, 16 at tenderhooks@goldrausch.org
Location: Kommunale Galerie Berlin, Hohenzollerndamm 176, 10713 Berlin
Artists in the exhibition:
Elisa Jule Braun @elisajulebraun
Ipek Burçak @_cudlak_
Marta Djourina @martadjourina
Sarah Godfrey @sarahkgodfrey
Sophie Hilbert @s0phiehilbert
Miji Ih @miji_ih
Kristiane Kegelmann @kristianekegelmann
Sarah Loibl @loibl_sarah
Toni Mauersberg @mauersbergtoni
Katharina Reich @ekatharina_reich
Stefanie Schwarzwimmer @stschw
Babette Semmer @babettesemmer
Stefania Smolkina @stefania.smolkina
Anna Roberta Vattes @annarobertavattes
Constanze Vogt @constanze.vogt
The exhibition is open until 30.10.22