Sound performance “Construction Works” by Jorn Ebner 

Sound performance “Construction Works” by Jorn Ebner 

(Free and without registration)

with Jorn Ebner

collateral event of the exhibition "under construction" Matthias Beckmann | Susanne Britz | Christiane Schlosser. Finissage: June 1st, 7-10 pm

In search of a contemporary visualization and sound interpretation of Paul Hindemith's “We are building a city,” Jorn Ebner has collected sound recordings of urban space over several years. Urban space – its conscious experience with artistic means such as objects or sound works – has occupied Jorn Ebner since the beginning of his artistic work. Jorn Ebner uses the archived samples for his performance, recording them partly original and partly distorted. The performance reacts to the exhibition, the sound character changes over time, the audience is invited to interact.



Jonh Ebner, „Control set for the heart of the sun“, Spandau-Performance 2022 (Photo by Matthias Beckmann)
Jonh Ebner, „Control set for the heart of the sun“, Spandau-Performance 2022 (Photo by Matthias Beckmann)