Serial Compositions Kyoungtae Kim

Fri, 16 Apr 2021

On view
16 Apr-8 May 2021

Serial Compositions Kyoungtae Kim

Kyoungtae Kim applies a ‘Serial Compositions’ technique to display a fresh visual perception through the eye of a camera. ‘Serial Compositions’ makes it difficult for the viewer to know what the actual image or form of an object is, because of the extreme close-up photos of A4 book-size white leaflets. By using his Focus Stacking* technique, Kim’s images show equally distributed focus points on the objects, creating an illusion to the viewers as if they are looking at a graphic image rather than a photograph. In the exhibition at, the images from the book ‘The Serial Composition’ becomes more abstract within the DIN A4 format, the actual size of the book object. The physical parts of the printed book, including the cover, pages, fore-edge and its binding, appear very unrealistic or rather graphic. It challenges our visual perception and at the same
time attempts to newly transform the visual images shot through the lenses of a camera. *Focus Stacking: a digital image processing technique which combines multiple images taken at different focus distances to give a flat perspective image without a vanishing point.

Please register here for the soft opening.