Producing Roma Feminist Art

Sat, 21 Apr 2018 19:00

Producing Roma Feminist Art

Margaret Tali, Mihaela Drăgan
Presentation by Margaret Tali and subsequent artist talk by Mihaela Drăgan in the framework of the D’EST Curatorial Summit.

Margaret Tali will discuss the meanings of Romani exclusion and what it has to tell us about artistic scenes, their nature and alignments by focusing on the work of an outstanding Finnish-Romani artist, writer and activist, Kiba Lumberg, who advocates her artistic practice as a human right. This raises questions about how to respect cultural difference, i.e different understandings and memory positions? What kind of translation does her art require that would respect the artist as well as the audience? What could it mean to curate artistic practice as a human right?

Mihaela Drăgan presents Giuvlipen, the first Roma feminist theatre company formed by professional actresses of Roma origins in Bucharest. In her talk, she covers the discourse in Roma art practice as it developed in parallel to the escalation of anti-Gypsyism and stronger stereotypes concerning Roma women.


Alexandra Horghidan, Del Duma/ Tell them about me!, 2013. Theater play, Giuvlipen Theater Company, Bucharest

Alexandra Horghidan, Del Duma/ Tell them about me!, 2013. Theater play, Giuvlipen Theater Company, Bucharest