After-Work-Drinks, Cocktails, Longdrinks, Highballs & Co. in a relaxed yet elegant atmosphere.
Poppy—Trails of Afghan Heroin
Sat, 16 Jul 2016 0:00at C/O Berlin
Poppy—Trails of Afghan Heroin
Installation by Robert Knoth and Antoinette de Jong
Brutal gang warfare, deadly addiction, illegal money laundering, blatant corruption, and love for money coupled with the epidemic spread of AIDS: set up as a multi-media installation, the project Poppy documents in an impressive way the dark side of globalization, reflected in the faces of dealers, prisoners, prostitutes, addicts, border soldiers, and policemen. For over twenty years, Robert Knoth and Antoinette de Jong have been tracing the paths of heroin that lead from Afghanistan through Central Asia and the Balkan to East Africa, Dubai, and Western Europe, and wind up in the streets of London.