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PERMEABLE BODIES, Art of Vulnerability
Thu, 24 Aug 2023 19:00
PERMEABLE BODIES, Art of Vulnerability
Artist talk with Dr Margerita Pevere
(free, no registration needed)
What does it mean to be vulnerable — and what may leaks tell us about bodies and environments in posthuman terms?
Dr Margherita Pevere has addressed these questions through bioart and performance. Ash, slugs, cellulose-producing bacteria, bioreagents, drawing, writing: diverse materials constellate her artistic research and come together in celebration of leaky matters and relations. Alongside discussing the artworks Wombs and Lament, the artist will guide us though a nuanced discussion in feminist and queer terms about materiality, vulnerability, and the entanglements of life and death. What emerges are two concepts — ‘arts of vulnerability’ and ‘poetics of uncontainability’ — which, while coming from the arts, may have something to say about these volatile times.