Performing Sensory Cartographies Workshop
Sat, 30 Jul 2016 10:00
Performing Sensory Cartographies Workshop
By Jonathan Reus and Sissel Marie Tonn
The focus of the workshop is on the "inner movement" of the body, flows which function autonomically just outside the direct reach of conscious agency. While we are not directly in control of such movements, they are nonetheless in a constant conversation with the surrounding environment and with the physiological life of the body material. To detect & aestheticize these flows we will use worn biometric sensors & sound synthesizers.
Participants will spend 1 day creating body extensions which renegotiate relationships between the senses & environment, in order to further activate these flows and relationships. The workshop will culminate in the creation of a site-specific sonic-sculptural performance, where the authorship of the compositional process is not singular, but somewhere in between where our biology meets the environment.
Registration is mandatory, please send an email to with METABODY in the subject line.
Cost: 50€
More info here