Modern european cuisine
Panel discussion #2 “Does this seem like a desert to you?”
Thu, 5 May 2022 19:00-21:00
Panel discussion #2 “Does this seem like a desert to you?”
GUESTS: Caroline Breidenbach (wasserstories), Anna Lena Kronsbein (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries), Wassertafel Berlin-Brandenburg, MODERATION and CO-CURATION: The Driving Factor (Elisa Bertuzzo, Daniele Tognozzi, Neli Wagner)
in-person event, Schankhalle Pfefferberg (Loft), in German language
07/05/2022, time tba
Workshop with Kat Austen Participatory Artistic Research: Exploring Airborne Microplastics
in-person event, venue tba, in English language, registration:
12/05/2022, 6–8 pm
Panel discussion #3 Fossil Gas Is Not Clean
GUESTS: Christopher Basaldú, Rachel O‘Reilly, Esteban Servat, MODERATION: Sumugan Sivanesan (Black Earth Kollektiv)
online event, English language with simultaneous translation into German, registration:
19/05/2022, 6–8 pm
Panel discussion #4 Entanglements of Social, Ecological and Climate Justice
GUESTS: Ayọ̀ Akínwándé, Rebecca Abena Kennedy-Asante (Black Earth Kollektiv), Fossil Free Culture NL, MODERATION: Ayasha Guerin
online event, English language with simultaneous translation into German, registration: