Nicht eine* weniger Intergenerational Roundtable on Autonomous Feminist Organizing
Sat, 13 May 2023 15:00
Nicht eine* weniger Intergenerational Roundtable on Autonomous Feminist Organizing
with Annalisa Cananzi (E.A.S.T. – Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational), Cora Mohr (FrauenLesbenGruppe Frankfurt a.M.), Lee Stevens (collective member of Raumerweiterungshalle, artist and care worker, Berlin) and Suna Qu (political education, Berlin), moderated by Amina Été and Cornelia Herfurtner.
What forms does emancipatory politics take today? In this event, participants will report from their political work. How are they organized? How do they shape their practices? What are the ideas and needs behind autonomous feminist organizing? How does the emancipation of women and inter*, trans*, non-binary and agender people currently look, and express itself? What has changed within emancipatory politics and practices over the past 35 years?
This event is open to women, inter*, non-binary, trans*, and agender people interested in autonomous feminist organizing. We will share our different experiences. After the joint discussion, there will be drinks and snacks and the possibility to exchange ideas.