Modern european cuisine
mEat me – Food for the Post-Anthropocene: On Body-Hacking and the De-centering of the Human as Material
Fri, 9 Apr 2021 19:00-20:00
mEat me – Food for the Post-Anthropocene: On Body-Hacking and the De-centering of the Human as Material
Online lecture by Theresa Schubert. In English. Via Video Meeting
Many posthumanist thinkers stress a non-human-centered perspective on the world, demanding that we should assume a more modest role in our dealings with nature and stop hierarchizing other species. For artist Theresa Schubert, a radical consequence of considering the human as an animal would be to also consider the human as material and food. In her project mEat me (2020), she demonstrates that this provocation is neither science fiction nor morbid dystopia by fearlessly exploiting her own body as a ground for experimentation. In this lecture, Schubert introduces her artistic research project discussing backgrounds, concepts, the lab process, and collaboration with scientists, as well as the resulting multimedia performance mEat me.
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