Laura McLardy ArtAndArchitecture: Line of Least Resistance
Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:00
Laura McLardy ArtAndArchitecture: Line of Least Resistance
With Laura McLardy’s Line of Least Resistance, District presents the eighth project of its ArtAndArchitecture series at NEXT, a building by architect Jürgen Sawade from 1994, which is now part of the Malzfabrik ensemble:
a crack, a line, a negative sculpture, a splintering imprint, a tremor stretching across the six levels of the office building. Alongside the fissure of the staircase wall, a landscape of difference, a trace of motion, unraveling the solid structural shell, opens up subcutaneously.
Since 2011 and within the frame of ArtAndArchitecture, DISTRICT co-produces and presents site specific art projects which yield experimental perspectives at the intermediate zones between architecture, urban and social space, technology and art.
Permanent installation from 29.8.2014, Tuesday to Thursday, 10.00h-17.00h
Winter break: 15.12.2014-22.01.2015