Jürgen Michaelis: Sound performance “Aqua Synth: Neptune’s Truth Teller”
Fri, 9 Nov 2018 19:00
Jürgen Michaelis: Sound performance “Aqua Synth: Neptune’s Truth Teller”
Drinking water is advertised as pure and clear. In drinking water, however, hormonally active trace substances from medicine are included. The groundwater is increasingly contaminated with fertilizer by nitrate. The Berlin Spree turns brown from the iron oxide of the former lignite mines. In public waters, multidrug-resistant bacteria from sewage treatment plants can be found. The water was pure and clear before industrialization. That is a global problem. The art exhibition critically examines our approach to water from a sustainable perspective. 17 international artists show their position on the subject with object, sculpture, installation, photo, collage, video and performance.