Geta Brătescu

Wed, 26 Sep 2018 18:00

On view
27 Sep 2018-25 Jan 2019

Geta Brătescu

at n.b.k. Showroom Geta Brătescu is one of Romania’s most important conceptual artists. Already under the Communist dictatorship she created abstract works in which patterns, surfaces, lines, colours, and structures intersect, in opposition to official state art. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein  (n.b.k.) now presents Geta Brătescu’s first solo show at a Berlin institution. Geta Brătescu’s varied work includes drawings, collages of fabric or paper, graphic design, performances, experimental films and photography, objects and spatial installations. In the artist’s avant-garde work, the lines separating art and life blur, and the focus of her work is placed on memory and history, human identity, normativity, and the female gender. Since the 1990s, Brătescu has conceived her work increasingly in series, parsing her formal language. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein will present historical and new works by Geta Brătescu and a film about and with the artist. 
A project in cooperation with the Romanian Cultural Institute in Berlin.
Curator: Magda Radu