Conversas Berlin #6
Wed, 2 Nov 2016 20:00-22:00
Conversas Berlin #6
Please join us for the sixth evening of Conversas Berlin! A weekly series of informal meetings to discuss a variation of projects and interests. This night will be supported by the participation of the following 'Conversadores':
Irene Kotnik (The Curves)
Noel B. Weber (Hand lettering and the craft of sign-making)
Irene Kotnik has co-founded ’The Curves’, a women’s Motorcycle Club in Berlin. She is a passionate motorcyclist, adventure enthusiast and since 2 years racing vintage motorcycles. This year she accomplished to organise the first motorcycle festival for woman in Europe: PETROLETTES.
Her engagement and fearless spirit for women in a strongly man dominated industry goes far and beyond. Together with The Curves she organises mechanical workshops for women and pushes female oriented innovations and embraces women needs. The Club is known for networking events such as weekly city ride outs and adventure trips on 2 wheels across Europe.
In 2014 Irene co-founded Video Art Channel - video art in public spaces. She has extensive experience in film production, new media and moving images. Trained in visual communication and digital imaging and design, she worked for many years in New York as an art director in advertising.
Noel B. Weber has devoted his career to hand lettering and the craft of sign-making. He was classically trained in Chicago at the Institute of Lettering & Design. While living in Denver in the 1970s he helped start an influential sign artist group called the Letterheads. Later, he moved to Idaho and founded Classic Design Studios – an award winning sign-shop in the heart of downtown Boise. Noel continues to design for clients and share his expertise via creative workshops. Classic Design Studios continues to operate under the direction of his son. The Letterheads have grown into an international organization with more than 40,000 members.
Conversas Berlin is a series of weekly informal meetings so that we can get to know and discuss a variation of projects and interests.
During the Conversas two/three Conversadores (those who talk at Conversas) bring something to share with the gathered group, for thirty minutes each. As the title suggests itself, Conversas (Conversations in Portuguese) aim at an equal set up from which both the Conversadores and the group, should be able to profit.
Conversas exists of a series of 10 and runs every Wednesday until November 30.
Initiated in Lisbon 2012 by Constança Saraiva and Mafalda Fernandes, Conversas is nowadays a project of many people and cities. Conversas Berlin takes places at a shared studio space, and is co-organized by Sabrina Basten and Sarie Nijboer.
Follow our website for more information about our events.
Events are open to all and entrance is free.
There are drinks for 1-2€ (donation for the next publication).
!!! We start on time! /20h !!!