Conversas #18
Wed, 3 May 2017 19:30-22:30
Conversas #18
Doors are open from 7.30pm, starting time 8pm.
Annekatrin Looss (Raw Cacao)
Jan Rickers and Per Schumann (1000 in Berlin)
Fabian Geimer-Lorusso (Benefits of working with plant medicine)
Anne Looss grew up in Berlin. She studied economics and works as a writer und journalist since 1998, her favourite topics: future, new thinking and cacao. She does energy work since 2003. Since 2010 she is drinking cacao, loving it for its various benefits. She considers it to be an energy turbo for body, mind and spirit. Anne will share with us the history and the various benefits of this ancient, long forgotten medicine plant. The latin name of the plant, Theobroma cacao actually means “Food of the Gods” it helps us to connect on a deeper level with our own inherent power.
Photographer Jan Rickers and artist Per Schumann realized "1000 in Berlin" within 1 year. In the project, „1000 in Berlin“ 1000 portraits of people living in Berlin resp. being connected to Berlin are shown in their colorful, multicultural splendor. From old to young, from the hipster to the stealworker at the flee market, from the homeless man to the 80 year old Lady in Kreuzberg, everyone is represented in this project. The book can be regarded as a declaration of love for humans in their colorful variety and serves as a multi-facetted portrait of our time.
Fabian Geimer-Lorusso is a heilpraktiker based in Berlin. During Conversas he will share with us his reflections and build a dialog about the necessity of Phytotherapy. How can entheogenic master plants support us in living our modern lifestyle? In which context can medicinal plants be most helpful to us?'
Conversas Berlin is a series of weekly informal meetings made so that we can get to know and discuss projects and interests; everyone is welcome and entrance is free.
During the event three Conversadores (those who talk at Conversas) bring something to share with the gathered group, for thirty minutes each. As the title suggests itself, Conversas (Conversations in Portuguese) offer an equal set up from which all can benefit.
We have drinks for 1-2€
Publication 4€
And we have a donation-jar, collecting for the next publication.
The second series of ten Conversas Berlin starts on the March 15 and runs every Wednesday until May 17. This series is happening at Naunynstrasse 53, and are organized by Sabrina Basten and Sarie Nijboer.
Conversas is a project by Constança Saraiva and Mafalda Fernandes initiated in Lisbon, in 2012. Nowadays, it's a project of many people and cities.
Please be on time, seats are limited!