Modern european cuisine
Contemporary Diagram — Berlin Exhibition by Cecilia Jonsson
Fri, 28 Sep 2018 18:00-21:00
Fri, 28 Sep 2018
On view
29 Sep-26 Nov 2018
Contemporary Diagram — Berlin Exhibition by Cecilia Jonsson
The artistic practice of the Swedish artist Cecilia Jonsson oscillates between scientific and artistic methods and processes. Her works are frequently inspired by research in the sciences or natural history. Based on this research, Jonsson develops her own artistic interpretations. In “Contemporary Diagram,” the artist works with microbiological and biochemical processes. During a two-month project residency at singuhr-projekte, she investigates and cultivates, in a kind of contemporary alchemy, the bacteria that can be found in the Berlin sewage system. Her subsequent exhibition at the Project Space of the Schering Stiftung resembles a research lab where microbiological feedback phenomena in the bacterial growth process are made visible and audible through different media (sound, video, objects).