After-Work-Drinks, Cocktails, Longdrinks, Highballs & Co. in a relaxed yet elegant atmosphere.
Sat, 31 Oct 2015 19:00
An exhibition of works by Wolfgang Ganter. Wolfgang Ganter lives and works in Berlin. Using chemical processes, he transforms photographic material into new images. This process is enhanced by bacteria cultures. The results are manifold: the slides change very differently according to the age and development of the chemical emulsion as well as the variety of bacteria. The bacteria eat themselves into the photographic emulsion, bring out all the hidden colours and change these in a different way. This effect becomes a means of expression both in form and content. On the one hand photography is unmasked as an illusion, on the other hand a new reality is created. The moment once captured is not only lost but also transferred into something new.
ARTIST TALK Tuesday 15.12.2015 19 h
23.12. - 9.1.16 open by appointment