BORO - The Fabric of Life
Thu, 28 Apr 2016 18:00-20:00
BORO - The Fabric of Life
Translated to ‘patched together’ in English, boro is the collective name for items – usually clothing and bed covers – made by the poor, rural population of Japan who could not afford to buy new when need required and had to literally make ends meet by piecing and patching discarded cotton - originally reserved to the upper classes - onto existing sets, forming something slightly different each time they did so.
Generations of Japanese families repaired and recycled jackets and futon covers, handing them down to the next creating impressive garments of great aesthetic charm.
The BORO textiles exhibited are for sale, starting from € 5,000.-
Special opening hours during Gallery Weekend
Friday April 29, Saturday April 30 + Sunday May 1 / 11 am to 7 pm