Berliner Herbstsalon: ATEM (Breath) Mehtap Baydu
Wed, 30 Oct 2019 16:00-20:00at SCOTTY
Berliner Herbstsalon: ATEM (Breath) Mehtap Baydu
Under the title DE-HEIMATIZE IT!, the 4. Berliner Herbstsalon will bring together a retrospective of visual artists, with an extensive theatre and performance programme, a conference and a Young Curators Academy in order to discuss constructions of identity, nation and belonging from an intersectional feminist perspective.
We take the burning debates about the term »Heimat« nourished by current right-wing and conservative forces as an opportunity to reveal the colonial, fascist and patriarchal potential of the term. The triumph of male authoritarianism, nationalism and neoliberal regimes is accompanied by the exclusion of the disenfranchised and dispossesed. In this sense, »Heimat« is and has always meant »fatherland« and its broad spreading an act of the privileged. Following Bilgin Ayata’s claim »De-heimatize Belonging!«, we focus on race, class, gender as criteria for exclusion, asking: How can we think of other affiliations? Under DE-HEIMATIZE IT!, the 4. Berliner Herbstsalon invites visitors to develop practices of solidarity against oppression and exclusion and to encounter systems of patriarchy, capitalism and racism.
MEHTAP BAYDU BREATH Performance, 2019 Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg, perhaps Berlin‘s most international neighborhood, is as much influenced by gentrification as by the struggles against it. Here, high-priced real estate investment projects encounter the micro-economies of immigrants, while men‘s cafés (still) coexist with queer bars and hip galleries. In this unique, diverse microcosm, Mehtap Baydu dedicates her performance to the international conflicts that are reflected here as well as the news which take our breath away. In a 15-days performance, Mehtap Baydu displays the narrowing of space and poses questions about the positioning of the woman‘s body.
Performance daily 4 pm – 8 pm