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artspringnale film festival
artspringnale film festival
with Gino Hahnemann, Matthias Aberle, Lew Hohmann, Jochen Wisotzki, Hannah Metten, Jan Gabbert, Amor Schumacher, Sonja Ortiz, Lucia Gerhardt, Sylvia Schwenk, Vanessa Cardui, Frank Bubenzer, Mady Piesold, Lapo Simeoni, Marie-Ulrike Callenius, Gabriele Avanzinelli, Matthias Daenschel, Sharon Paz, Julian van Grey, Amor Schumacher, Nina E. Schönefeld
Every year, the artspringnale – the film programme of artspring berlin – shows the different artistic positions of film and video makers in the district and puts them up for discussion. Like artspring berlin, artspringnale thrives on encounters, shared experiences and exchange. In 2021, however, everything is different and artspring berlin's theme is SIGNALE! What do we hear and what do we see? What do we send? These questions are especially directed at the film and video art scene, which has been under pressure since March of last year. Income is not coming in, funding is lacking, productions are - more or less - at a standstill. Free spaces are disappearing, personal encounters are reduced, frustration and depression are on the rise, as a social phenomenon, but also quite individually. How does one go on and what does this do to film art? Does the experience of fragility influence the content and forms? What signals does it send out? If the recipients are not physically present, do the signals become more radical? More political? More essential? Or does the work shift into the private, into its own resonance space and send itself out into the ether? Is the reception interrupted and shouldn't we actually speak of interference signals? Wouldn't that be even more forward-looking?
We didn't know and called for submissions of (interference) signals with an open call. The submissions and the programmes curated from them reveal a diverse range of answers, but also raise new questions. In order to pursue them and record answers for the future, the screenings are accompanied by subsequent live talks with the filmmakers.
In this way, the programme of the artspringnale, with a total of four screenings, spans an arc from the recent past of the district to the present and intertwines the different times with each other.
duration:every Friday, 8pm (May 21, 28, 2021)