Wed, 26 Apr 2023 18:00-21:00at Lobe Berlin
DITTRICH & SCHLECHTRIEM are pleased to present an event held in conjunction with GALLERY WEEKEND BERLIN: a group exhibition located off-site at Lobe Block, Berlin, and curated by Daniel Hölzl. Titled a(r)rival, it includes works by Hannah Blumas, Julian Charrière, Marta Dyachenko, Abie Franklin, Richard Green, Andreas Greiner, Daniel Hölzl, Klaus Jörres, Anton Roland Laub, Simon Mullan, Florian Neufeld, Monty Richthofen, Marie von Heyl, and Jonas Wendelin.
a(r)rival is on view for two days, on Wednesday, April 26, 2–9 PM, with an opening reception and drinks from 6 to 9 PM, and on Thursday, April 27, 10 AM–6 PM. The exhibition runs parallel to our main gallery exhibition, Andrej Dúbravský’s Anxiety of Subimago at Linienstraße 23.
The sculptures, paintings, site-specific and text-based works of the show probe individual human sensations associated with the idea of an arrival, physically, emotionally, or intellectually, deliberately conceived in theses broad terms. The exhibition’s title combines this reference with the concept of a rivalry.
The story of an arrival is always a story of both a fresh start and something left behind. The inevitable result is a rivalry between a place A and a place B—between the feelings and memories bound up with the old and familiar and those aroused by the potentiality of the new. The exhibition surveys these tensions that unfold in the intermediate realm of states, scenes, and spheres: from home to refuge, from the interior into the great wide open, from the bowels of the earth to dizzy heights and back underground. Last but not least, a(r)rival confronts us with diverse materials in a variety of forms, contexts, and functions—as both heralds of a new start and witnesses to past times.
@jonas_wendelin @marie.von.heyl @maison_hefner @florianneufeldt @simon_mullan anton_roland_laub @klausjoerres @hoelzldaniel @andreas.greiner.berlin @richardgreenstudio @abiefranklin @martadyach @julian.charriere @blu_as_hannah @dittrichschlechtriem @sculplobe @lobeblock @galleryweekendberlin