Tue, 7 Sep 2021 19:00at SomoS
Group Exhibition curated by Vanesa Peña Alarcón (ES)
SomoS is excited to invite you to Ambactia Memoria, on view from September 7 – 19, 2021, coinciding with Berlin Art Week. Developed by Vanesa Peña Alarcón (ES) in the context of a Curatorial Residency, this international group show presents a wide selection of works across disciplines featuring sculpture, painting, installation, textile, video, and performance, dealing critically with the legacy of Hispanicness on a global scale. Ambactia Memoria offers artists, critics, and activists an open framework to articulate non-normative artistic positions and peripheral perspectives regarding tradition, memory, and identities in relation to "the Hispanic." By exploring the intersection between feminism, transculturalism, and (post)migrant approaches on the representations, practices, and diverse forms of identity in contemporary society, the selected works deconstruct the idea of Hispanicness and collectively imagine its future transformation.
with Andrés Argüelles Vigo (PE), Silvana Solivella (CH), Constanza Camila (CL), Ricardo Candía (CL), Adriana Bickel (GT), Carlos Gárate (ES), Virginia Lázaro (ES), Abel Azcona (ES), Maria Amparo Gomar Vidal (ES), Homo Velamine (ES), Miguel Buenrostro (MX)
Ambactia Memoria is realized with the kind support of the Comunidad de Madrid, Ville de Lausanne, and the Government of Peru. Entry is free.