After-Work-Drinks, Cocktails, Longdrinks, Highballs & Co. in a relaxed yet elegant atmosphere.
Amada Verde
Fri, 5 Nov 2021 19:00
Amada Verde
with Nathalia Favaro, Marte Kiessling, Milda Lembertaité, Amelia Prazak, Tina Ribartis, Luzia Simons, Stig Marlon Weston, Miki Yui. Curated by Marte Kiessling
The exhibition Amada Verde is showing a selection of Artists who participated in different parts of the international residency program LABVERDE, which was created to strengthen the limits of art through a broad array of experiences, knowledge sets, and cultural perspectives involving art, science, and nature. By participating in an intensive program in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, the artists developed work about environmental issues and their experiences in the Amazon rainforest.
More info here