All Towers Fall
Fri, 10 Mar 2017 19:00at Das Gift
All Towers Fall
With works by Owen Normand.
In this exhibition two separate bodies of work will be shown: All Towers Fall and Made to Stray.
All Towers Fall is a series of still lives reflecting the artist's interest in the importance of transience in Japanese zen culture. Their celebration of the fleeting and reverence for flux is something that often inspires the artist's work. Here a parallel is drawn between these Eastern ideas and the Western tradition of vanitas still life painting, where objects in the paintings were loaded with symbolism to do with the fragility of life and the inevitable passing of all things.
Made to Stray is a series of figurative paintings in which the main theme is how we all must choose our individual paths through life alone. For the titles in this series inspiration was taken from art and literature that reference roads and paths and use them as devices to explore ideas of decision making, free-will and fate.