Opened in 2021, our Kesselhaus is a 1600sqm craft beer behemoth. A brewhouse, bar, beer garden and event space in the heart of Wedding - every...
Eva Kietzmann, Petra Kübert – Living resorts
Mon, 4 Aug 2014 19:00-21:00at uqbar
Eva Kietzmann, Petra Kübert – Living resorts
Harmony, freedom, security and peace - the remaining wasteland in Berlin's inner city is bit by bit taken by construction projects for exclusive living concepts. Is it possible that the goldenrod, a resistant, two meter high, star-shaped flowering plant, also considered as weed, makes a stand against this developpment?
For their new sound installation, the artists refer to the dying wasteland in the city center, placing it as a space for projection, speculation and also as a resource. The Installation builds on the work Die schöne Kunst des Wohnens (The Beautiful World of Hiome Decor, 2013), that is based on a reasearch on gentricficaion processes and image production in the district Berlin-Mitte. By means of artistic intervention and performance they appropriated the places, which have been transformed by new architectures of exclusive living concepts into "lifestyle-wasteland".
On August 4, 7 – 9 p.m. the artists will realize a performative lecture event about their research on inner city wasteland and gentrification processes as contribution to the PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL BERLIN.