Peter Klare - En Plein Air
Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:00at Nova Invaliden Galerie
Peter Klare - En Plein Air
In the exhibition "en plein air" at Gallery invaliden1, Peter Klare presents a number of small landscapes paintings, together with a large scale one. The title of the exhibition and some photographs at the farther end of the gallery demonstrate that the shown paintings were created outdoors. To be more precise, in the snowy, partly monotone pine-tree-forests that surround Berlin. Surprisingly, an enormous power comes off the small pictures that where created in the almost colourless winter forest. They are intense shining tableaux that are, on one hand characterized by economical and precise brushstrokes, and on the other hand succeed to display the depth of the forest through the exactly modulated colour tones. Landscape painting, open-air-painting in oil, more outmoded appliance and topic could barely be chosen. Nevertheless Klares pictures are fresh and free from dust. Here Plein Air painting doesn’t mean plainly going outside and choosing Nature as a motif. Instead, the motif, or better the motivation of Klare, is obviously freedom itself, at least the search for it, which is the reason for leaving the studio and finite space. A free and open approach to allegedly old topics here taken as excuse to expose, to test freedom, romanticism and painting. Far from conceptual picture strategies and far from painting “en vogue” Klare succeeds in letting a fresh wind occur, fresh like when the sun shines in a winter day in the forest.