What Did I (Not) Miss: abc gallery night and art fair opening
What Did I (Not) Miss: abc gallery night and art fair opening
Bpigs team was out and about last night for the abc gallery hopping. Our little adventures pointed at many reasons to visit Berlin’s biggest art fair, and reminded us of many different possible meanings of “a”, “b”, and “c”. See where we wondered half-drunkenly (open bar everywhere!) and got those gooey feelings for art all over again, before heading to art berlin contemporary the morning after.
Friedrich Kunath - "Sentimental Air" @ BQ
Wish you were her(e)! Witty humor adds the right flavour to the "Sentimental Air". With shows that regularly turn frowns upside down, BQ gallery is definitely growing on us more and more. Here we decided for the motto of this year's abc race -- whoever has the most fun wins!
In a few of the rooms with white fluffy carpets the no shoes policy applies. Shoe covers available if hesitating to set your feet free.
A video would give a much better idea of the painting, since the canvas was miraculously rotating.
Exhibition ongoing until 31.10
All is full of miracles. Thanks Friedrich, this meerkat resting on a giant earplug saved the day.
Jörg Herold - "Des Dokumentararchäologen Blick über Brandwunden Arkadiens" @ Galerie EIGEN + ART
This was pretty much the scene in front of every second window on Auguststrasse. Chit-chat gurgle and big wine-stained smiles filled the street with joy.
The gallery was a grey-and-yellow universe consisting of art pieces and art people scattered around seemingly randomly, but somehow in very precise relations. Must have been hard to set up the perfect chaos and keep it that way even with the constant flow of people and alcohols. Very refreshing as opposed to the cliches - all white and perfectly aligned.
Exhibition ongoing until 24.10
Chaos inside chaos ... There is literally a whole lot to see in this show. Very recommended.
Marinella Senatore @ Peres Projects
7PM, Arrival at Peres Projects, one of the many other visits we have planned for that night. walking along Karl Marx Allee and suddenly being part of a scenography welcomed by red windows, red because of the cinematic filters the artist put on, is a good start point to join the Galleries night.
Here we are, inside a set, immediately invited to interact with the space and people who are in. We can see them walking around, chatting, scrutinising, as well as we can see ourselves reflected in the two-dimensional sculptures that seem to be more kind than real mirrors. The impression is that we are losing a piece of our objective lens on the reality to be able to recreate the exactly moment we are living.
Exhibition ongoing until 07.11
Marinella Senatore's solo show "Scenografia" at Peres Project definitely achieves its objective.
Gedi Sibony @ Galerie Neu
Galerie Neu must have bought the wrong lightbulbs on the day of the opening and did not have time to check and instead put something safe for the human eye. The brightness was probably the kind that people talk about when they talk about a near death experience. Try to imagine waking up from deep narcosis in front of a flashlight.
Exhibition ongoing until 24.10
Surprisingly some people did not mind, or just decided to power through it for a while. What people do for art...
Hito Steyerl - " Left To Our Own Devices" @ KOW
The hippest place last night? Certainly the gallery KOW, which shares the address with the most talked-about and media-omnipresent person in Berlin in the last month or so, the architect Arno Brandlhuber. Even at 22h, the gallery was packed with people listening to Hito Steyerl's pearls of wisdom. Or possibly just sitting there, peoplewatching, and thinking what to wear tomorrow.
Exhibition ongoing until 05.12
Whatever the case, and despite the fact that peoplewatching was quite an entertaining thing to do there, this show should definitely be on your to-do list this week. A brilliant artist who has a lot to say.