What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 20.05-24.05

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 20.05-24.05

MONDAY 20.05

RUIN Martin Eder @ Volksbühne


Berlin.Status.2 @ Künstlerhaus Bethanien

Kunstlerhaus Bethanien looked like the hippest bar on a Saturday evening. It was impossible to navigate through the space so crowded, and you probably lost people you came with on the way from point a to point b. Sounds like a bad thing, but in fact it was interesting to see all those art folks gathered in one place and to meet some new faces. Some of them unexpectedly (Lovro Artukovic for example, who has no idea who I am, but that didn't stop me from chatting, mostly just because we speak the same obscure language), and some quite expected in front of their own work. Apropos of works, a lot of good ones were on display. Everybody I talked to was positive about the show, and it turned out that everyone had a different favorite. I believe that puts it in "highly recommended" and "not likely to dissapoint" drawers. My favorite was a rather sensual and amusing  video of a man copulating with landscape by Clemens Wilhelm. All in all, +50. (A.)

FRIDAY 24.05

je ne sais quoi @ tor str

with Lori Hersberger, Rita Vitorelli, Joep van Liefland, Marc Bijl, Catherine Lorent, Thomas Draschan, Marcus Sendlinger, Andrea Pichl, Manfred Peckl, Andreas Schlaegel, Jurgen Ostarhild, Barbara Breitenfellner, Julian Burgos, Maik Schierloh, Alexandra Baumgartner, Stephan Gripp, Christian Schwarzwald

+ great group show organized by artist Alexandra Baumgartner with a standard (for these cases) installation and a few good surprises like these. (D.)