What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 03.04 - 05.04
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 03.04 - 05.04
"The royal we" at EIGEN + ART Lab and "As if Royal" in Circle1 gallery made last week sound and look extraordinary. Outside of the royal circle, it was techno as usual - this time in intriguing paintings made by a DJ, and exhibitied for the first time in the gallery L'Atelier-ksr.

Friday, 4 Apr
Milos Tomic / Zoya Cherkassky-Nnadi / Alona Harpaz @ Circle1
A three-in-one opening of works by Milos Tomic, Alona Harpaz and Zoya Cherkassky-Nnadi, was truly a pleasant one. Bright art, friendly folks, hyperactive kids, and one old lazy charming dog. Very much like a family gathering that you actually do want to attend.

Saturday, 5 Apr
Markus Manowski - Nothing Can Go Wrong
You might know Markus Manowski as Daze Maxim, a musician, producer and performer in the field of electronic music. Apparently, Markus had enough of techno beats and wild club nights, and decided to retrieve for a while (or for good) in the silent world of painting. A great show for a debutant; we are curious to see what comes next.