Tips 28.07 - 10.08
Tips 28.07 - 10.08

A summer month least likely to be remembered for plentiful art events turns into one of the most exciting for the art lovers with daily interventions of the Project Space Festival. This year's edition activates one project space each day in August to showcase what the local independent scene is really about. Besides the festival participants, there are quite a few other galleries that rather do open parties and bbqs in their own backyards than take some days off. Mix the two and enjoy the perfect summer in the city.
FRIDAY 31.07
18.00 "Jokes, Lies and Prophecies" @ HilbertRaum
WHY: The artists invited - Maria Bajt, Kuno Ebert, Petter Kreuger, Nat T Magnat, Tobias Sternberg and Sarah Winter - all share a passion for telling stories. Being artists, they also do not feel the necessity to stick with the truth, but often exaggerate and embellish their points to get them across. Humour, but also beauty, craft, and earnestness are tools they are employing. A thoroughly narrative show to be expected.
HilbertRaum / Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin, U Hermannplatz / open through 09.08 / free entry / more info
19.00 Chryssa Tsampazi & Sharon Paz – "My Horizontal is Your Vertical" @ Scotty Enterprises
WHY: During the Project Space Festival Berlin, Scotty Enterprises presents the exhibition "My Horizontal is Your Vertical" with new works by Chryssa Tsampazi and Sharon Paz. On display will be "Irresistible Force", a two channel video installation by Sharon Paz, and Chryssa Tsampazi’s sound installation" From My West To Reach All The Way To The East", audible only outside on the street. On August 4th, Tsampazi will end the exhibition with a performance for which she has invited people from different backgrounds to run; to pass through and by Scotty Enterprises in their attempt to escape, compete, arrive or recreate from their own realities.
Scotty Enterprises / Oranienstr. 46, 10969 Berlin, U Moritzplatz / open through 04.08 / free entry / more info
16.00 "Hors d’œuvre - The Secondary Concern 2" @ tête
WHY: Due to the success of last year’s event, ‘Hors d’œuvre - The Secondary Concern’ will be realized in the second edition. For ‘Hors d’œuvre - The Secondary Concern #2’, the participating artists will fill tête with hors dʼoeuvres and videos about food, playing with the sense of the word hors dʼoeuvre ("apart from the [main] work"): on the one hand, food and cooking is not the main medium of the participating artists, and on the other hand, the selected video works use food as a medium to focus on social/ political issues.
Tête / Schönhauser Allee 161A, 10435 Berlin, U Senefelderplatz / free entry / more info
19.00 "Anonymous Drawings" @ Kunstverein Tiergarten | Galerie Nord
WHY: For the project Anonymous Drawings, anonymous artists become part of a collective work of art, where hierarchies do not exist. 600 drawings by international artists will be presented anonymously. The drawings for the show were also chosen anonymously through an open call. All of the drawings are available for a symbolic unit sales - price of 200 € each on site, as well as online. The artist's identity can only be revealed by the sale: the buyer takes the drawing right off the wall, and the empty space left behind will be marked with the artist‘s full name and place of origin.
Kunstverein Tiergarten | Galerie Nord / Turmstraße 75, 10551 Berlin, U Turmstr. / open through 29.08 / free entry / more info
SUNDAY 02.08
14.00 Birgit Auf der Lauer & Caspar Pauli – "GRENZFÄHRSERVICE II" @ WerkStadt e.V. // Espace Surplus
WHY: Birgit Auf der Lauer and Caspar Pauli present the model of a large installation consisting of various drawings which will be moved by a needle printer. ‘Grenzfährservice II’ is an in-depth research of the nature of the European borders, and how they have changed after the Wall came down. How borders are used politically, and how they are used by the people. Along with the model, Espace Surplus will present a broad selection of research material and preliminary outcomes.
WerkStadt e.V. // Espace Surplus / Emser Straße 124,12051 Berlin, S+U Neukölln / free entry / more info
MONDAY 03.08
18.00 "Akt To Go" @ Berlin-Weekly
WHY: BERLIN-WEEKLY works as art in public space under the format of a 'window-display'. For the Project Space Festival, the classic form of a 'window-display' will be turned around. A nude model will be sitting behind the window, allowing the pedestrians to be the artists, and the street to be their workshop. Anyone can help themselves with the provided drawing equipment, sit in front of the window and sketch. Several artists who have previously exhibited their work at BERLIN-WEEKLY will also be there to participate.
BERLIN-WEEKLY / Linienstraße 160, 10115 Berlin, U Rosenthaler Platz / more info
15.00 "Bühne der (Un)Möglichkeiten / Stage for the (Im)Possible" @ Kleine Humboldt Galerie
WHY: Kleine Humboldt Galerie contributes to this year's Project Space Festival by creating a space for the unrealised: artists are invited to present works of any kind that have remained in the realm of the ideal. In August's summer break that is short of events, one day shall be dedicated to works that have been thought, but – maybe due to technical, economic, political or other conditions – are existent only as concepts. By presenting these concepts to the public, the unrealised can be put into practice by other means and be effective as an idea.
Tieranatomisches Theater / Philippstraße 12/13, 10115 Berlin, U Oranienburger Tor / free entry / more info
FRIDAY 07.08
18.00 "Unfinished State" @ Archive Kabinett
WHY: Unfinished State starts from a novel with holes bored through its plot. Narratives of city-branding and surges of global capital have caused waves of real estate development in Berlin and Beirut, two cities that were spatially divided by conflict and have been under reconstruction for over 25 years. Through speculative fiction and ludic dialogue,Unfinished State questions how uncertainty manifests in time through architecture, prismatic landscapes, capitalist flows, and shifting social terrains.
Archive Kabinett / Dieffenbachstraße 31, 10967 Berlin, U Schönleinstr. / free entry / more info
14.00 Ellinor Euler & Jaroslaw Ilski - "Tantamount" @ A Trans
WHY: Ellinor Euler has traded in her pencil for a pistol. In her installation ‘tantamount’ she explores the spatial extension of objects, transforming both into something new. Using a hot glue pistol, she builds a real structure, a congealed concentrate of time and space that is nonetheless mobile. By interacting, the result is a variety of diverse perspectives. The composer Jaroslaw Ilski is creating an ongoing sound installation, as well as performed audio improvisations. Performances will take place at 16h and 18h.
A TRANS / Lehrterstr. 37, 10557 Berlin, S Hauptbahnhof / free entry / more info
MONDAY 10.08
17.00 "Center of Future Self-Voyages" @ Kanya Berlin Project Space
WHY: insitu invites you to discover your self at the Center of Future Self-Voyages. For one evening only, their guides will help you on the journey to self-discovery. Each of the guides have special techniques and approaches to unlocking who you truly are, discerning where you have come from, and predicting where you will head in the future. The Center of Future Self-Voyages takes its location in the rooms of Kanya Berlin Project Space. Arrive in peace for one-on-one sessions with the guides, or simply come and observe the voyages of others.
Kanya Berlin Project Space / Choriner Straße 81, 10119 Berlin, U Rosenthaler Platz / free entry / more info