Tips 24.02 - 07.03
Tips 24.02 - 07.03

The future is bright - and you don't have to consult your psychic or read through your daily, weekly, and monthly astrology forecasts to see what we have seen. As per usual, we are giving you a shortcut to all of the good things coming up. Look down and look forward.
20.00 Artist talk: Rachel Alliston @ Centrum
WHY: Rachel Alliston is an American artist based in Berlin. In recent years her work as an artist has become influenced and informed by working as organiser and programme curator at Decad, a not-for-profit art organisation, which she founded in 2012, and her experience as founder and editor of Press LMP, an art-book press she established in 2015. Her artist talk at Centrum is part of her ongoing show, „ Propery of a Private Collection“ (on view until 20.03).
Centrum / Reuterstr. 7, 12053 Berlin, U Rathaus Neukölln / free entry / more info
18.00 Ink Agop - "Overlooking I" @ Somos
WHY: Berlin-based Japanese multimedia artist Ink Agop‘s exhibition “Overlooking I” is founded on the performances she developed and recorded during her artist residency in Thailand, on the theme of Shamanism. In Agop’s distinct interpretation, the shaman can represent a sibylline figure of healing, but also a trickster, performer, clown, poet, or prostitute. The installation “Overlooking I“ consists of video projection and kinetic sculptures made out of organic materials collected from nature. Opening at Somos will start at 18h with live performance by Mieko Suzuki.
Somos / Kottbusser Damm 95, 10976 Berlin, U Schönleinstr. / free entry / more info
19.00 One Night Stand #7 with i Collective and L’oiseau présente @ KW
WHY: For the next One Night Stand event at KW, i Collective e.V. presents „We Have Never Been Here Before“, a hypnotic tour through a fictional city, developed from a concept by Valeria Schwarz in collaboration with Joanne Pouzenc. It proposes new cityscapes not based on post-war consumerism, but on a fictional city based on solidarity, knowledge exchange, sustainability and use value instead of price. On the same evening L'oiseau présente features Catherine Lorent’s multi-instrumental solo project „Gran Horno“.
KW / Auguststr. 69, 10117 Berlin, U Rosenthaler Platz / €3 / more info
19.00 Zines Launch: French Kisses / Sick Leave @ District
WHY: Accompanied by music and visual movements created by Maria Guggenbichler and Amal Alhaag for the occasion, a set of materials from The feminist health care research group and a group of plants, District launches two fabulous zines into the world: „FRENCH KISSES: On Tips of Tongues, and Feeling as Taste“, and „Sick Leave“.
District / Bessemerstr. 2-14, 12103 Berlin, S Südkreuz / free entry / more info
20.00 Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop + Martin Eder - "Black Hole" @ Sophiensaele
WHY: "Black Hole" is a musical installation-performance that uses the requiem form to engage with rituals of mourning and their interaction of conscious and subconscious elements. The Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop and artist and hypnotist Martin Eder use acoustic and visual effects to create a world between worlds, searching for a communal experience of grief. The audience is onstage with the musicians and Martin Eder, and takes part in their ritual.
Sophiensaele / Sophienstr. 18, 10178 Berlin, U Weinmeisterstr. / €14 / 9 / performances on Feb 25, 26,27,28 / more info
20.00 Tuesdays at Hilbertraum - Ensemble Xenon Plays Cornelius Cardew’s Treatise @ HilbertRaum
WHY: In 2015 ensemble xenon put out a call for new graphic scores to both composers and visual artists. A series of three concerts presented a selection of very different works from the submissions: from pen-and-ink drawings to a three-dimensional Lego score built live by a child; from sketches derived from dance movements to reflectographs and structures made of canvas threads; etc. The concert and discussion in the HilbertRaum forms a kind of conclusion and supplement to this series.
HilbertRaum / Reuterstrasse 31, 12047 Berlin, U Hermannplatz / free entry / more info
19.00 Strata @ Circle 1 - Platform for Art & Culture
WHY: Borrowing from archaeology, this group exhibition delves into an array of associations or surfaces, while taking the liberty to explore fragments and particles. The show proposes to examine the syntax of a collagist composition through the cracks and interstices between the realistic and the fantastic, the religious and the secular, the ironic and the tragic, the pleasing and the painful, be it a one-off manifestation or an expanding narrative.
Circle 1 - Platform for Art & Culture / Mittenwalder Str. 47, 10961 Berlin, U Gneisenaustr. / open through 16.04 / free entry / more info