Tips 03.09 - 07.09
Tips 03.09 - 07.09

Fresh new season is on: exhibition openings, multimedia shows, festivals, parties, DIY flea markets are just some of the ways to make these sunkissed September days even lovelier.
20.00 Transduction @ Berghain
WHY: Transduction is a multimedia concert that will satisfy those who are thirsty for experimental sights and sounds. Continuing the collaboration that began in 2012 with Perspective Matters, ensemble mosaik and Thomas Fiedler have teamed up once more for Transduction, premiered recently as a part of 47. Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik. It is always a great idea to experience a different kind of fun at Berghain, and these two evenings of films paired up with new music certainly should not be missed.
Berghain / Am Wriezener Bahnhof, 10243 Berlin, S Ostbahnhof / €9 / more info
19.00 Rui Calçada Bastos - Passagem de Nível @ Invaliden1
WHY: In his exhibition "Passagem de Nível" (Level Crossing), Rui Calçada Bastos presents a set of works that have as their main motif an itinerary guided by chance. Indiscipline, accident, absurdity, disfunctionality - these word extracted from a text written by the curator Joao Silvério give a general direction, while keeping us curious to find out more. And for that, we will visit the opening and catch up with the artist. Needless to say - we recommend you to do the same.
Invaliden1 / Schonleinstr. 25, 10967 Berlin, U8 Schonleinstr. / open through 18.09 / free entry / more info
19.00 We Animals – Biographies @ Meinblau Projektraum
WHY: How do animals create individual history? The works in this exhibition focus on abilities and characteristics of animals, and follow their (auto)biographical tracks. Through different recording media such as historical texts, sound and video documentation, and collections of traces, the artworks revolve around questions of nonverbal communication, shared authorship, and animal biographies.
Meinblau Projektraum / Christinenstrasse 18-19, 10119 Berlin, U2 Senefelder Platz / open through 21.09 / free entry / more info
19.30 Michael Sailstorfer – B-Side @ Haus am Waldsee
WHY: Michael Sailstorfer is said to be one of the most outstanding conceptual artists among young German sculptors today. Over the past fifteen years, he has created a significant body of work that has received international acclaim and marks a unique position in contemporary sculptural discourse. If you still haven't seen his work, this really is the time to do it, especially when the exhibition involves an interesting space such as Haus am Waldsee.
Haus am Waldsee / Argentinische Allee 30, 14163 Berlin, U3 Krumme Lanke / open through 09.11 / free entry / more info
22.00 Grand Jeté @ OHM Berlin
WHY: Grand Jeté is a series of electronic music events which will take place at OHM Berlin on four Thursdays from September to December. This Thursday, Grand Jeté presents live act by Grischa Lichtenberger, the Berlin-based electronic music producer & visual artist, along with DJ sets by Cristian Vogel and VSQ. A thrilling listening & dancing experience guaranteed for a rather small fee.
OHM Berlin / Köpenicker Strasse 70, 10179 Berlin, U Heinrich-Heine Str. / €5 / more info
FRIDAY 05.09
18.00 Transcendental @ Galerie Pavlova
WHY: For the new season, Galerie Pavlova presents a group exhibition of abstract photography works from five Austalian photographic artists: Jacqueline Ball, Michael Corridore, Tara Gilbee, Isobel Parker Philip, and Kate Robertson. Challenging both the limits and expectations of the photographic medium, the exhibition titled "Transcendental" presents works which will inspire your curiosity and provoke you to interpret it your way.
Galerie Pavlova / Linienstrasse 116, 10115 Berlin, U6 Oanienburger Tor / open through 01.11 / free entry / more info
19.00 Berlin Masters 2014 @ Galerie Arndt
WHY: Galerie Arndt presents for the second time a selection of works by the most promising master students from two Berlin's universities of fine arts: the Universität der Künste and the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. This group show, curated by Lydia Korndörfer and Lisa Polten, draws our attention to the recently graduated art students, and serves as an exciting prelude to the upcoming Berlin Art Week.
Arndt / Potsdamer Strasse 96, 10785 Berlin, U1 Kurfürstenstrasse / free entry / more info
SUNDAY 07.09
12.00 Gütermarkt. Flohmarkt! Fachmarkt! DIY-Markt! @ ZK/U Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
WHY: A new market-format brings together artists from ZK/U, craftsmen from the neighborhood, and private flea-market sellers in symbiotic interaction. Join and help their goal to turn Moabit into the hood of Hipster-Pensioners, No-Logo-Teens and DIY-Freaks. You can expect things such as a second-hand hair-dryer getting fixed by electro-specialist directly on site and used by a mobile hairdresser, some live music, boule-workshop, bike check, and many more.
ZK/U Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik / Siemensstrasse 27, 10551 Berlin, S Beusselstrasse / free entry / more info