Pre-interview: Lisa Tiemann
Pre-interview: Lisa Tiemann

Just before the opening of her first solo show in Berlin – "Couples“ at Kanya Berlin – Lisa Tiemann welcomed us in her studio in Kreuzberg to give us a preview of the works almost ready to be displayed at the project space.
In her sculptural work, Lisa uses form, materiality, and colour to address universal questions and glitches of the everyday life. In “Couples” she presents her series of 'coupled' sculptures, each consisting of two joined objects. Absurdity and seeming impossibility (and according to a review of this year's NADA art fair, the undisputable sex appeal) is what makes you look back at these (im)perfect dual pieces, and find pleasure in their subtle comedy.
"Couples" will be on display from July 15th to 30th.
Opening night is on Thursday, July 14th, 18–22h.
The exhibition is presented by Erika Riesenkampff (Reign of Art) and Kanya Berlin.
Tell us about your upcoming show, "Couples", at Kanya Berlin.
I will be showing my latest series of sculptures titled „Couples“. Each couple consists of a ceramic and a paper element that are joined together by form, but remain in a state between unity and duality.
What is your general approach to art making?
My work is abstract. In general I am interested in formal artistic questions and making forms that in my opinion are underrepresented in my surroundings. Often these forms are created by accident and catch my attention due to their absurdity or because they make me laugh. By combining different materials I add another aspect that I find very interesting. It’s about the juxtaposition between balance and disharmony, lightness and weight, or grace and clumsiness – in general the interaction of two different qualities. Just look at couples.
What influences and inspires your work?
I walk a lot and I observe a lot.
Which materials do you choose to work with? Why do you prefer those?
At the moment my predominant material is ceramic. At the time I chose it because it is a very direct material to work with. I found it also challenging to develop a new level of interpretation for a material that was so strongly associated with handcrafted pottery and organic expression. That is why I began to use it against its material qualities as lines drawn into space, hanging on latex tubes or supported by bent steel constructions. I push this process so far that actually people often mistake the ceramic for steel. My new material paper-maché is starting to have a similar fascination for me.
This year you paricipated at NADA. Was it your first art fair show? Can you tell us a bit about the experience of showing your work at a major art fair?
It was a positive experience to be able to develop and realize a comprehensive concept together with Maximilian Rödel that would withstand the distractions and space restrictions of an art fair. The booth was great, NADA was great and NYC was great.
What comes after the show at Kanya Berlin?
I am especially happy to realize my first outdoor sculpture at the biennial in Halberstadt. Also because it will be set up beside the chapel where John Cage’s piece “Organ^2/ASLSP” is being played at the same time.
Any long-term plans / projects you would like to announce?
I work process orientated. So I myself am curious what will come up next. All I have planned is spending the wonderful Berlin winter on my favourite volcanic island.
From a young artist to a young artist:
Stay at it.
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Lisa Tiemann – "Couples" @ Kanya Berlin
Opening: 14.07, 18 – 22h
15.07 – 30.07.2016
More info