
I am losing track of time. This morning I had to check, and turns out my interns bpigs timer is now past one month. Perfect time to post my overdue first post.
Looking back I have no idea where this time went… so I skip through my event photos, and find that during the last month I have attended some of the weirdest and loveliest events and spaces.
Surely Berlin is full of these, and I am looking forward to discovering them all in time, but the ones that stuck to me so far are as diverse and as Berlin as something can be.
The Lehrter Siebzehn event space with its 400 sq meters of concrete and minimalist boxed furniture, the creepy but playful old brothel in Neukölln, the tiny Vesselroom, hidden Bang Bang Club, the broken apart clinic also known as West Germany, or the elegant Café Moskau and its neighbor Kosmetiksalon Babette.
Diverse as they may be still they are all self made and reinvented using what was left, or found, salvaged and repaired, like the rest of Berlin.
Merging art, cheap real estate, architecture, and people to provide spaces to young emerging talents and events.
Minimal interventions in space, bare walls and floors, cheap solutions and colorful lights.
Architecture at its best.
From the biggest to the smallest, most commercial or underground, they all make you feel welcome.
You are home.