
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


X O @ Grimmuseum - Review by Weronika Trojańska

"Two thirds of what we see is behind our eyes," says Chinese proverb. Does what we see really exist or is it just a creation of our imagination? It is common knowledge that what we perceive is pretty much what our eyes see and report to our brain...read more

What Did I Miss 30.04-06.05

mobile pics... THURSDAY 03.05 Aufbruch. Malerei und realer Raum @ Akademie der Künste FRIDAY 04.05 On Research: Lecture Performance by Hito Steyerl and Rabih Mroué @ Haus der Kulturen der Welt Sand Issue 5 Launch @ mindpirates SATURDAY 05.05 "...read more

Have you met... Rolando Anselmi from Delloro

Last February, Delloro opened its doors again after relocating in Kreuzberg with a concert by Martin Creed and his band that you probably attended or at least heard about. The Berlin-based gallery is the second project of Rolando Anselmi, an...read more

Fudge Fear

You don’t forget fear. How can you? You forget the name of someone the minute they utter it at an opening and you forget the name of a guy you met in Kingsize. You don’t forget fear. Is that a politically correct euphemism for f*ck fear, like we...read more

What Did I Miss Special 7. Berlin Biennale

mobile pics... WEDNESDAY 25.04 Berlin Biennale Press Conference @ Villa Elisabethread more

What Did I Miss 16.04-22.04

Berlin in Köln: Art Cologne Part 2; Kim Fowley in death tour concert- (with Snow Mercy) -Berlin in Berlin: Kleine Humbuld Gallerie, Schau Fenster and... Berlin in Köln when I was taking this picture he was saying (to me): "imagine I am sticking...read more


(my) Virtual Collectors Buy List @Art Cologne 2012/ meine Imaginäre Kaufliste auf der Art Cologne If collecting is a virus- I think I got it. In an all in all very satisfying fair- these are the works I would not want to leave/live without. Total...read more

Have you met... Joanna Warsza

In a little over a week, the long-expected and controversial 7th edition of Berlin Biennale will open its doors at KunstWerke , presumably adding more and more virtual pages of vivid criticism to the many that had already been written. Whenever I...read more

What Did I Miss 09.03-15.03

mobile pics... THURSDAY 12.03 Kirsten Palz - Sculpture as writing @ Grey Sheep x o @ Grimmuseum Post-Studio Tales @ District Berlin Status (1) @ Künstlerhaus Bethanien SATURDAY 14.03 Female Drum Fest @ Bei Royread more
Artur Zmiijewsky "Them"-still from video

Berlin /Art Hate-o-meter

Berlin and its art scene have long past the age of no man’s land innocence- the city is growing, the art scene tries to find it’s pace. Growing pains and conflicts come with it. As a mental exercise for the upcoming bb and in celebration…read more

Have You Met... Art Laboratory Berlin

Sam Belinfante & Simon Lewandowski: The Reversing Machine (A Theatre of Kairos and Chronos), Installation, 2012 In many ways, Art Laboratory Berlin is literally a Laboratory. This non-profit art-space, located in Wedding, focuses on cross-...read more

What Did I Miss 26.03-01.04

mobile pics... THURSDAY 29.03 Ryan Mosley @ Eigen + Art Lab Yes, this year it's Documenta @ Kreuzberg Pavillion FRIDAY 30.03 Mountainislandglacier Book Presentation @ Motto Gravity, Money, Concrete, Fabric @ Galerie Suvi Lehtinen CAMP! invites BOY...read more

Dear Gallery

This letter is inspired by all the so called unsolicited proposal emails, everybody, who has even remotely something to do with offering exhibition opportunities, gets by the dozens. I collect these emails, as I am always intrigued by their tone,...read more

Speed Portfolio Viewing III

SPEED PORTFOLIO VIEWING III -- Deadline ist Sonntag 13.05 Basierend auf der Struktur des "Speed Datings" werden hier 10 Kuratoren eingeladen um in 10 kurzen Sitzungen á 12 Minuten Künstler-Portfolios zu besprechen. Sonntag, 20.Mai von 13.00 bis 16...read more

What Did I Miss 19.03-25.03

openings Art&Press; Reyle West;Blixa Bargeld, Marlene Dumas talk, What happened 2081? @ KW and John Cage's Branches / Inlets @ Botanischer Garten TUESDAY 20.03 Poetical Assumption and Kunstkritikk Book Launch @ Archive Kabinett THURSDAY 22.03...read more

Book Hook: Spectrum

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but when browsing at a bookstore, of course the books I pick up first are the ones with the bright covers. Only after I have fondled all the colorful books or ones with nice textured covers will I look at...read more

What Did I Miss 12.03- 18.03

mobile pics... MONDAY 12.03 Hand Held Lava Performance @ Schering Stiftung TUESDAY 13.03 KRYTYKA POLITYCZNA IN BERLIN #4 @ KW WEDNESDAY 14.03 Solution 239-246 Finland Bar Night @ 032c workshop THURSDAY 15.03 Phil Minton's Feral Choir @...read more

Lingua Franca und die Kunstkacke

I have been thinking a lot lately about this new language, spoken in art openings and events. It is of course English, or Euro English* but it is also more than that. The main characteristic of this language- lets call it PR Language or Art...read more

What Did I Miss 05.03-11.03

Labor ∞ Transcendence @ Salon Populaire/ Surface &Superficiality, Gitte Bohr/ 038: Close Encounters @ Sassa Trülzsch, Oliver Laric@Tanja Leighton, Nature Morte, Christian Nagel, BQ,Croy Nielsen, Kamm, Last TAPE show/ Frieze#4 Launch WEDNESDAY...read more

Under the tarmac of Madrid

February in Madrid means the whole art scene bursting: the international Art Fair Arco opened for its 31st edition, and so did Art Madrid and the more alternative Flecha or Justmad . But all this excitement in the official art dates is not keeping...read more
