Public Jury Session for the Urban-Practitioner-in-Residence
Public Jury Session for the Urban-Practitioner-in-Residence

ON FEB 18th 2021, 6-9 PM, Floating e.V will hold a public jury session, as part of their open call for urban practitioners.
During the session, five finalists will present their project proposals for the site of the Floating University Berlin, with open Q&A from the expert jury and the wider public. Anyone can join the jury members to further question, challenge and expand the notion of urban practice during this event.
Jury are:
Dorothee Halbrock. Board member and head of projects HALLO: Verein zur Förderung raumöffnender Kultur e.V. and PARKS
Aljoscha Hofmann. Architect. Tempelhof Projekt GmbH. Think Berl!n. Initiative StadtNeudenken
Dr. Sabine Kroner. Project manager Berlin Mondiale. Member Rat für die Künste
María Inés Plaza Lazo. Art historian and curator. Founder of Arts for the Working Class and L’Union des Refusés, a global organization for art workers commons
Dr. Tatjana Schneider. Architect and academic. Head of the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture and the City at TU Braunschweig
Dr. Sumugan Sivanesan. Anti-disciplinary artist-researcher, writer and broadcaster. Produces Fugitive Radio: anti-colonial media and music, and organizes with Black Earth climate justice collective
The session on February 18th 6pm (CET) will be moderated by Jennifer Aksu. Urbanist and Cultural manager. Co-founder and artistic director Invisible Playground
Floating e.v launches an open call for urban practitioners. Berlin-based positions (individuals and groups) are invited to apply for a six month residency on and with the basin. Proposals should engage directly with the site of the Floating University and with the city of Berlin at large while they question, challenge and expand the notion of urban practice. From performance to walks, urban games to sculpture, installations to projections, texts to podcasts, research-based, process-based, perhaps open to participation, perhaps facing the public on site.