Summer Readings Winter Fears
Summer Readings Winter Fears

I think it is ok if I just go ahead and say it: Saying you are an artist (in Berlin) is kind of the equivalent of saying you are Greek right now. Try it out. The minute your conversation with somebody at an opening gets interesting tell them “I am an artist you know”. (The reaction will also be similar if you go for: “I want to have your baby”): Frozen smile, short inhale mid sentence, panic look, body weight shifts away from you, side glance for somebody else to talk to. Hell, I react the same way myself. There are just too damn many of us out there, too many, too desperate… how did this happen?

left: Francis Alÿs "Turista", México D.F., 1996 right: Greek President Guard in national costume, paroling in front of the parliament. Gas mask to my knowledge is photoshopped .

Carrie Bradsaw “I couln’t help but wonder…”

left: 03.08 The mayor of Lithuania's capital, Vilnius, has been filmed using an armoured vehicle to crush an car parked illegally in a cycle lane. The stunt was shot over the weekend for a popular Swedish TV series, 99 Things You Should Do Before You Die. right:
an art project
23. August 2011, 4pm - midnight
at SRS/ (Cuvry Str. 3-4, Berlin)
You should go to this show, it has the ambition to be scandalously refreshing, + it’s going to be the first after summer re union of the (expat) art scene. You should buy one of the works offered in very very small prices intended to be sold out by the end of the evening) but first you should read what she has to say in a very open, honest attempt to figure out what is what; She loses the thread a couple of times in personal reminiscing, but she is a good writer, so you will even enjoy that.
art critic magazine, comes out 3 times a year
Download pdf online or buy in pro qm/almstadtstraße, barbara wien/linienstraße, bücherbogen/savignyplatz, walther könig an der museumsinsel, do you read me?/auguststraße, motto/skalitzer straße