Trümmerberg Kilimanjaro

Tue, 8 Nov 2016 19:00

On view
10 Nov-19 Nov 2016

Trümmerberg Kilimanjaro

Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro, Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Squat Monument)

13–19 h, Performatives Archiv an verschiedenen Orten\ Performative
archive at different places. Treffpunkt \ Meeting point 13 h: Sarotti
Café, Mehringdamm 57*

TRÜMMERBERG KILIMANJARO assembles a performative archive that interweaves the urban traces of German colonialism and how it is expressed culturally and economically, as well as the migration context of Berlin’s Tempelhof-Schöneberg district. In the exhibition at DISTRICT and the mobile (hi)story-kiosk, which takes place at specific locations in the neighborhood, these traces encounter the voices and stories of protagonists of the anti-colonial resistance movement in Namibia and Germany.

Curated by Andrea Caroline Keppler, Suza Husse.