The Hallucinated World: Painting at the Edge of Reality

Sat, 19 Apr 2014 17:15

On view
19 Apr-29 Jun 2014

The Hallucinated World: Painting at the Edge of Reality

Now the bizarre, disturbed and abysmal stands at the center of the exhibition “The Hallucinated World – Painting at the Edge of Reality” at Haus am Lützowplatz. Transferred to painting, the term hallucination first of all refers to a corrupted rapport with reality. The rules of mimesis seem suspended. Interruptions and errors appear, with the medium of representation making itself felt. And yet, the term also describes a specific generative ability of painting to create a distinct salience. While sculptures by virtue of attachment to their material always remain a part of our tactile physical reality, paintings can disengage themselves from it as elusive phantasmata. Woven into such alternate realities, our drives, desires or fears become manifest.